Monday, October 24, 2016

Type Questions

1. Small capitals are capital letters that are the same size as lowercase letters in the same typeface.

2. Futura has small caps.

3. Two or more characters that combine into one letter are ligatures.

4. Futura does have ligatures.

5. The difference between a foot mark and an apostrophe is

6. Foot marks use curly quotations in it's type while apostrophe don't.

7. Inch mark is a thicker quotation while quote marks are used in various writing systems for punctuation.

8. An en dash is wider than hyphen but narrower than an em dash. They are each used in different times for words, dates, or times.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Font Research

-Geometric sans-serif
-Created by Paul Renner between 1924 and 1926
-Released in 1927
-Other fonts Renner has designed:
       -Architype Renner
       -Renner Antiqua
       -Futura Black
       -Futura Light

Bold Oblique