Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Beauty of the Airline Baggage Tag reading summary

The Beauty of the Airline Baggage Tag was centered around the luggage tag put on bags when people are flying from one location to another. The amount of people who use airplanes to travel has been going up every year. With so many people flying every day, there is a small percentage of people who get to their destination and their bag is not waiting for them when they get there. The luggage tag is helpful in many different situations. One of the ways it has been a big help is it gives the weight of the bag which is an important thing for workers who are loading the airplane to know when loading bags on the plane. The tags them self have to be strong and have to stand up to things like weather or heat, as well as the ability to not rip easily. The tags used now a days are very flexible, which is one of the key aspects of the luggage tag. They also have to be inexpensive and disposable. The design of the tag needs to be easy to read for the workers. There also needs to be a lot of important information on the tag, information like a barcode, name, flight details, and destination. The luggage tag has improved throughout the years and is set to get more improvement to it, that will help the day to day travel a lot easier and safer for the passengers bags.  

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