Sunday, October 22, 2017

Habits | VISC 404

100 Habits List 

Checking Phone before/after sleeping

Before I go to sleep each night I normally check all the different social media apps for one last update. When I wake up the next morning one of the first things I do is check those same apps to catch up with anything I have missed while I was sleeping. It would be cool to looking into this further and use this in the next steps because it is something that a lot of people do. The feeling of missing something in a place where we are always connected would be something to look at.

Skipping Breakfast

The idea of waking up and not having breakfast because of different reasons is something that is interesting to look at. I normally wake up and only have a certain amount of time to get ready and head to class. It would be interesting to see what effect not having breakfast would have on the rest of the day.

Watching Netflix to pass time (The Office)

One thing I find myself doing all the time is watching the TV show “The Office” when I find time where I have nothing to do or being bored. I will watch the show in order even though I have seen it in full five times before. With this being the 6th time, I still like to watch it and learn new things even though I know what is going to happen. I think it would be fun to look at this and even incorporate The Office into one of my projects.

Spending too much time watching YouTube videos

Every day, multiple times per day, I am on YouTube looking at my subscriptions to see if someone new posted a video. If it is one of the people I really like, odds are I will stop whatever I am doing and go watch the new video. Sometimes I will rewatch old videos from those people that I haven’t seen in awhile just to pass the time. It would be cool to look at this and see why it is and see what changes it has from YouTube videos compared to television

Spending too much time on Twitter

Whenever I have down time, I am always refreshing Twitter to see what is going on. The idea that most, if not all, of the news I get each day is because of Twitter is something that is interesting to look at and would be able to do a lot with.

Listening to podcasts

When I am walking to class, working on a project, or have time to pass, I am always listening to podcasts. In most cases, I like listening to podcasts than I do listening to music. Listening to podcasts I can hear a conversation and learn information about something that keeps me thinking. The idea of this would be cool to look at and work with.

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