Tuesday, November 29, 2016

15 Great Magazine Covers

I really like how this cover takes an iconic picture of Steve Jobs to explain from the cover that the magazine will mostly be able him and his life because of his passing.

I like how this cover simply has bold text that draws people's attention so they want to see why the cover says what it says.

I like how they took a well known figure (the president) and drew him in a certain suit to grab peoples attention which goes with the article and what the head story is about.

For this, they used a black and white photo and put tape over the mouth which is the only thing in color and it's the American flag. It draws interest and makes people want to know more.

I like how this one takes their own logo/title of the magazine and makes it look like it's apart of the photo.

For this Person of the Year cover they simply used a picture of Zuckerberg, which to many, is a easy to identify and they get their point across just by using the picture and nothing else.

For this i like how they explain what they are going to be talking about with a simple image that has different meanings to it and it's more than it looks like

I like how this they tell a story by using a normal picture but making it look like they wrote all over it.

I like how they took a famous, well known person and made them do a funny looking face to grab people's attention.

I like how for this they used a graphic or drawing instead of just a simple picture, it makes it more interesting.

I like how simple this is but they still are telling a story by the text over the face.

I like how they zoomed in on the face because of the fact it's an iconic picture and people can tell who it is just by that cropped section.

I like how they grab your attention by having a well known person do something to themselves you normally wouldn't see, it make people want to read more about it.

I like how they took a picture of Obama and made it look like he would in years to come, it makes people want to see why he is like that and what the writers have to say

I like how this really doesn't have a flashy picture or anything like that, it just has a eye catching phrase that makes people want to see more.

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