Sunday, September 3, 2017

Inforgraphics That Resonate With Me | VISC 404

Fonts & Colors by Tasty Placement

(View full infographic here.)

This infographic is taking the different top brands and companies in the world and combining them to show which colors and fonts are most popular among the different brands. This immediately drew me in just for the fact that I love logos. I always like wearing shirts and hats that have a distinct logo on it because I find them interesting and like to pull them apart and find little things interesting about them. I think the way they designed this really makes it easy for the viewer to understand the information they are communicating through the infographic. They are able to take the info and turn it into a simple way for people to look at it and very easily understand everything they are trying to get across.

Man of Steel - Man of Ages by Imbong Hadisoebroto

(View full infographic here.)
This infographic is taking the different designs/versions of Superman’s attire from 1934 to 2013 and displaying it on the same figure to show the change over the years. I really was drawn into this because of the idea of showing change in a simple way. They took the base figure and designed each one to show the detail of the different version of Superman. I feel like it’s an easy way for viewers to understand the design of each of the different versions. They can simply look at each and tell that each one has a different appearance and they can make comparisons for each one.

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