Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Project Update #2 | VISC 404

Since the last update, I was going in a direction that looked like an exact copy of the YouTube watch page. At the time I thought it was a good idea but after getting to a standstill, I thought of a couple ways to keep that same idea but make it feel uniform. I decided to recreate the thumbnails from the videos under the “Most viewed video” section and make them look like they were meant to be together. YouTube thumbnail purpose is to get someone’s attention to click the video, so doing this helped declutter the infographic and brought it together. I also decided to add “most popular YouTuber” which was based off the subscriber count, video views, and the audience.

I originally wanted to make this all creator based and show what it was like, number wise, to be a creator in 2012 versus 2017 but because the only numbers I could find were estimates and there is not distinct number for the amount when it comes to monetization, I decided to go down a route in showing the fact that YouTube started as people getting hundreds of thousands of subscribers and views and now people are getting millions and billions. It’s a crazy thing to think about when almost the size of a country is watching a person’s video.

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